THURSDAY JULY I6 2015 on page 15 The Times Newspaper reads;
we wear rings through our noses? “Perhaps wearing a septum ring is best avoided
teamed with a suite for the office, but if you have the edgy style to carry it
off, this trendy accessory can take off your look from Sweet Street to golden Goth”.
septum rings as having a moment in today’s trends, as Maitele Wawe the founder
of Pretoria Social Market and Tzvi Karp trader of Sikh Punk wear, were spotted wearing the most dramatic
septum rings referred to as quandary by society.
Septum rings designed by Blaqapple.pea, a team of two young black ladies unconventionally chic and exceptionally talented jewellery designers.
Is peculiarity still creepy to our society?
the ever so unconventional Sociable Weavers and familiarise
yourself with
The now generation of rad.